Sunday, July 19, 2015
Today we woke up for breakfast at 8 am. We made the trip to Titanyen, we then went to a church service at Grace Village church. The church service was in creole, and it was a beautiful service. We then made the 45 minute trip back to Port au Prince in the tap-tap. Our crazy interpreter Maxim (The Mad Max)drove us up the mountain to go buy goods from the local craftsmen. First we made a stop at the bottom of the mountain. The bottom of the mountain had many hand crafted items including; wooden bowls, cross necklaces, and many items made with medal. We then piled in the tap tap and went back to the guest house. On the way we stopped at one of the local grocery stores and looked around at the Haitian goods. After arriving back at the guest house some of us went and played soccer with the neighborhood boys and the rest of us just hung out and took refreshing naps. This week has been very touching to all. It has been a great time to form and build new friendships. Ryan and Jake
Thank you for reading our blogs and facebook. Thank you also especially for your prayers and support for our young people on mission trips this summer. The trips have impacted their lives in ways that the Lord will surely reveal in their futures. Love and Blessings. Martin and Jessica.
Howdy yall! Today started out with Grace Village. We split the group into 2, and did letter writing to their sponsors and playing outside. The playing consisted of kites (which the kids loved), jump rope, and fĂștbol (soccer). Most of the kids spoke English so it was fun speaking with them. We took 4 of the Grace Village kids (Shedley, Ronaldo, Richford, Esdras) out to Elder Visits. Elder visits consist of providing/bringing a meal and two drinks to each elder, washing and rubbing lotion on their hands and feet, singing to them, and praying for them. Our first visit was to a man named Olthane. He is missing digits on his hands and feet, yet maintains a springiness uncharacteristic to most of the elders we have visited. Diefort, the second elder on our list, seemed to enjoy having his hands and feet washed as well as having songs sung to him. Next on our list of elders was Vertilla. She was taking care of two grandchildren, one being special needs, because the father had left them. She had us pray for pain all over her body and that the children’s father would return to help raise his kids. Next, on the way home, we decided to stop at the beach. It was Dana’s first time at the beach. We looked for shells, watched baby pigs frolic, and a couple of us (Jacob and Eric) swam. The swimming was unplanned, yet occurred due to the challenge of a Haitian boy who wanted to see who could swim out farther. Unluckily, SOMEBODY (Martin), prevented the acceptance of the challenge (which by the way killed me because I’m competitive) by imposing strict boundaries on our ocean adventure. It was a bit strange when all the local Haitians saw us swimming in the water, but then again, it was strange for them to see a group of white Americans in their ocean. Our next stop after this salty excursion was the mass grave site where thousands of Haitians were buried after the earthquake. The government has erected a nice memorial to all the people buried there and an inscription reading “12 Janvier 2010 nou pap jamn bliyew,” which translates to January 12th, 2010 we will not forget you. Our translator, Valerie, gave an emotional account of what the earthquake was like to him. We were quite surprised to hear him tell this story and still say how great God was during that time. Since the earthquake happened around 4:30, more people were in spots where they were safer than they would be if the earthquake had been at any other time. It was amazing to see how someone who experienced something as horrible and traumatic as this catastrophe praises God so enthusiastically. Right outside the memorial is a poor community that has limited jobs, few opportunities, and not much food. We had brought along some packs of Feed My Starving Children food to hand out to these people. We handed out food to all the children first, and started giving out food to the adults. Then the adults started shoving each other so we had to leave without giving out all the packs. It was quite frustrating knowing how much these people need food, yet not being able to provide them this necessity that we consider basic in the US. We travelled home, and spent time showering and getting ready for Pizza Amour. Pizza Amour is a pizza restaurant owned by Americans, that employs Haitians. We ordered 6 pizzas, and cake for Valerie’s birthday. He has given conflicting answers to the question of how old he is turning (21, 55, 36, 28), we think he is turning 28. We ate all of our food. As the night crept in, we headed home. We had devotions, worship time, and reflecting time. T’was a brilliant day, and we are looking forward to our last day in Haiti. Orevwa! (goodbye)
-This is Eric and Brooklyn signing off!!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Bonjou! (That means good morning in Creole. This morning was not so good for us). We left the house at 5:50 am (that's 4:50 Minnesota time) to make it to church by 6 am. We are not a group of early risers, so the actual getting up was somewhat like pulling teeth, but it was all worth it to experience the joy and praise happening in that church. The service we attended was actually a pre-service worship time that consisted of singing and prayer, both together and individually. It was unlike anything we had ever seen. Stoic, white, Minnesota Lutherans did not blend in very well. Everywhere we looked, Haitians on their way to work were singing and dancing with their hands in the air. One woman even let us in on her 6:30 am salsa dancing. Everyone agreed it was an incredible experience.
After church, we headed back to the guest house for a quick nap and breakfast, and then it was back out into City Soleil for futbol and water truck stops. At our first stop, the Haitian Initiative, some of us played soccer while others played with kids. We felt that our soccer skills and arm wrestling abilities were pretty inadequate, but we had a ton of fun regardless. Our first water truck stop was cut short by a women's rock band on parade. However, we did have time to carry a few buckets and love on a few kids first.
Refilling the water truck after that stop took about an hour and a half. Let me tell you, you have not really bonded with anyone until you've sat in a 90 degree metal cage (tap-tap) and eaten melted trail mix with them. We're all a bit closer than we'd like to be after that experience. Our next water truck stop was one of the highlights of the trip for many of us. Long before we stopped the truck, kids were chasing after it, trying to climb onto it and yelling "ayou", which they seem to think is a more casual way of saying hello. The joy on their faces was truly precious and something none of us will forget for a very long time. A few of us (Andreley) have decided that they are bringing approximately 2 million children home with them. We were hoping to do one more stop, but it started to rain, so we had to go home in case the streets flooded.
Eventually the rain slowed down, and we made an excursion to a lovely little boutique that sold shoes and jewelry made in Haiti by Haitians. The shoes are made with rubber from recycled tires and leather from a local tannery, but they are nicer than most flip flops sold in the states. We also saw some pigs near the store, which caused great excitement, and had a run in with a giant spider in the tap-tap. By this time, we all thought it was probably time for bed, but actually it was only 3 pm. Island time is nothing like American time. We swam at the hotel pool, which is probably 90 degrees but even that feels cold in this humidity. The cold showers are more appreciated than we could have ever imagined.
After a fantastic dinner of spaghetti, we had a surprise visit from Jeff Gacek, the founder of Healing Haiti. He talked to us about the importance of looking for purpose in life as opposed to material success. That really hit hard for all of us as Haiti has made us realize just how truly privileged we are and how often we tend to look towards the material for happiness. We ended the night with devotions and worship and are now going to bed so we can turn on the AC.
Au revoir,
Andreley and Maddie
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Hi this is Josh Cornes and Ryan Haupt coming to you from Haiti on our 4th night, we think, and will be telling you about our journey today.
First, like every day, we woke up at normal time. We had an unexpected surprise of French toast. As well as eggs, oatmeal, fruits, and freshly squashed juice by our wonderful Haitian kitchen staff.
Soon after we got ready we piled into the tap tap which is our mode of transportation. For those who don't know, it’s pretty much a pickup truck with a cage and some seats, but a few people have to stand. It sounds different to American standards but it’s relatively safe.
To start off our day we embarked on some elder visits, first lovely woman named Maria, who has denied the odds and reached the age of 105, which even for America is pretty impressive. Then after visiting her we visited two other men who were both blind and partially deaf, who were in their late 70s, which is still very old for Haiti. During our visits, we washed their hands and feet, rubbed lotion on them, gave them a hot meal and a variety of drinks. We also brought the guitar along and sang worship songs with them and prayed with and for them. We were inspired by their joy in the difficult situations they were in, whether it be family, health issues, and living conditions.
After the elderly visits, we stayed in titanyen, and a tour of the grace village orphanage and school, which is run by Healing Haiti. There have been many improvements since my visit 2 years ago(Josh). They already had a fantastic lunch hall, which used to be the main church, with a big kitchen. They also already had a play area, a school with many classrooms, hydroponic agriculture system containing fresh crops and fish, and half the living spaces for the children. The new developments consist of more living spaces, a medical facility, and improvements on the kitchen, like a few giant stone ovens.
We then made a quick ride in the tap tap to Shalom, a much smaller orphanage compared to grace village where we just visited. This had 10 children, 5 girls, 5 boys, and was also a school for the younger kids. We brought the guitar and did some more worship and singing which the children all sang along and enjoyed. We played with them, brought them toys, like bubbles and jump ropes etc and gave out Bibles. We also brought the parachute to play games with them.
We then took the long 45 minute drive back to the guest house in Port au Prince, and arrived to the lovely smell of authentic Haitian food for dinner which was delicious!!!
Some of us then went to play soccer with the neighborhood boys next to the guest in a dusty plot of land with make shift soccer goals. This was very fun but tiring because the local boys were all running circles around us.
We then ended the day with devotions and worship joint with the other mission team staying in the other guest house, which was very moving and inspiring, and was a great way to end the day.
Now Ryan and I are going to go bed now because we have to wake up at 5:30 for worship tomorrow morning, but we're not complaining.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Today the group split up, one went to the home of sick and dying babies and the other group went to Christian light house.
We went to the home where we got to hold babies who were sick. We started with picking up a baby and holding it, we would bring them outside where there was a small play area and chairs in the shade. We soon realized that most of the babies were smaller than their actual age. When you picked them up you could tell how small and fragile they were. After holding them for a little while we would go and hold another baby. It was hard to put down the baby because as soon as you put them in their crib they would start crying again. We would give the children a drink and they would down it in one go. One of the little babies we got to hold was a year and 2 months but she was the size of a newborn. Towards the end we got to help feed the babies. It was scary to feed them as the food was hot so we didn't want to hurt the babies. One threw up on Dana but it was all ok!!! It was a go with the flow kind of day and later on we got to go to the Haiti museum. It was an educational experience about slavery, power/ leaders in Haiti. We got to see many artifacts including an anchor from the Santa Maria and a piece of the moon. Jessica, Eric, Philip, and Maren were able to go to the wound clinic instead of the museum.
Maren ""At the wounded clinic our job was to redress the wounds of patients most of which were from the earthquake in 2010. Many of these wounds were so severe you would most likely not see them in the United States. It was amazing to see how most of the people we helped had a very high pain tolerance and were just very thankful that we were there to help. It was a very empowering experience to help these people many without limbs continue on their days and lives as very happy and grateful people. It was an experience that I will never forget and one that was very impacting."" At the end of the evening the group from the Grace village orphanage came over for dinner and then we got to play with them.
We love and miss you our lovely mothers, Pam and Rachel, and Ed and Tabitha and Ferny.
Dana and Hannah
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Haiti Day 2// 7-14-15
Today was water truck day and we visited the Haitian Initiative. We all woke up and had breakfast, and left around 9am. First, we went to the Haitian Initiative, and we played around with the kids there. The Haitian Initiative is a program where kids get trained to play soccer, and get fed after practice. The boys ran around, and the girls played hand games.
After visiting Haitian Initiative we walked around the corner of the street to start working at the water truck. The first thing that we noticed was the huge line of people, all waiting in the line with buckets. Some of us helped fill up the buckets while others of us helped carry buckets and play with the children. After the truck ran out of water we went to the refill station. While the truck was being filled some kids came up to the top-top and we talked to them. Before we knew it we were playing games with them. The next stop was City Soleil. As the top-top arrived in City Soleil kids were running up and clinging on to it. As we tried to get off the top-top there were a sea of kids surrounding the back. Right when we stepped on the ground kids were clinging to us. Right away we noticed that there was trash everywhere. We played with the kids and then we went to Hope Church that they are currently building. It was hard to say goodbye.
After we got back from the water truck, we had some relaxing time and went swimming. Once we were done with relaxing, we came inside, ate supper and went outside to the porch for devotions.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Today we were ready to travel. Six hours on a plane and we all got along. In Minneapolis every thing went well with no issues. We had a three hour flight to Atlanta. In Atlanta we ate at the pecan bistro. Then we took a 2.5 hour flight to Haiti. The first impression was nice but it seemed like it was meant to show a beautiful airport and a dirty background. The people outside the airport were really eager to take our stuff and get tipped. They argued over the money after they were done and you could see that they don't make much and need the tips they get. On our way to the Haiti house we stopped at a intersection there was a boy around the age of 7 or 8 that was asking for food and drinking water out of a plastic bag. the depression in this country is strange to see and understand. When we got to the house the ladies were making dinner, shepherds pie it was amazing and after words we got to relax and play with the dogs. Jake
Sunday, February 22, 2015
A Bittersweet Day
Today we were blessed with the opportunity to worship at the Port-Au-Prince fellowship church. Much to my surprise the church was very similar to services I'm used to experiencing back home, but with a little extra "soul". The service was filled with both Haitians and ex-patriats, many of whom are serving through Christ in the community. When I attend church at home I tend to be on the shy side, quietly singing in worship. But today I went to the service with an open heart and new perspective after speaking with a young man that lives near the Healing Haiti guesthouse. Earlier this week this wise 16 year old boy made a profound statement that immediately stirred my heart. As we were singing in worship together he told us that we should always raise our hands to God and clap while singing; because some people do not have hands. I will never forget this statement and the immense gratitude this young man has for a humble life. Consequently today I clapped and sang with a newfound purpose and love for what God has given me. I've prayed for the people of Haiti countless times this week. I've prayed for their health, basic needs, dignity, peace and continued faith. There is so much to pray for that at times it feels overwhelming. But at the service this morning they did not focus on praying for their own advancement, but for our brothers and sisters of Christ who are persecuted for their love for Him. Every moment in Haiti I am reminded of how blessed we are and how basic gratitude should be.
Later in the afternoon we traveled up the mountain for an astonishing view of the island. From up above the view is picturesque...with beautiful mountains, foliage and a crystal blue ocean. I took in the view and thanked God for his beauty, but was eager to quickly trek back down the mountain. For me the true beauty of Haiti is in the people, in their smiles, their gratitude, their love for Jesus and their perseverance. It's with a heavy heart that I experience my last day in Haiti and leave behind the family that I gained this week. Our team now shares a bond that only we can understand. We have seen things that are hard to describe and at times are hard to talk about. But God has brought us together in support of one another and changed our lives forever.
For our loved ones back home, for those who prayed for us and supported us...I ask for your patience as we ease back into our daily lives. I ask that you pray for our reentry and that we continue to be His servants in whatever He leads us to do. God is good and through Him anything is possible. And perhaps He will call upon you next to serve on this incredible mission!
- Tamra Smilanich
Later in the afternoon we traveled up the mountain for an astonishing view of the island. From up above the view is picturesque...with beautiful mountains, foliage and a crystal blue ocean. I took in the view and thanked God for his beauty, but was eager to quickly trek back down the mountain. For me the true beauty of Haiti is in the people, in their smiles, their gratitude, their love for Jesus and their perseverance. It's with a heavy heart that I experience my last day in Haiti and leave behind the family that I gained this week. Our team now shares a bond that only we can understand. We have seen things that are hard to describe and at times are hard to talk about. But God has brought us together in support of one another and changed our lives forever.
For our loved ones back home, for those who prayed for us and supported us...I ask for your patience as we ease back into our daily lives. I ask that you pray for our reentry and that we continue to be His servants in whatever He leads us to do. God is good and through Him anything is possible. And perhaps He will call upon you next to serve on this incredible mission!
- Tamra Smilanich
Last Day, A New Start
Today was our last full day in Haiti. We started it off by attending a wonderful Haitian church. These people love the Lord and love to sing His praises. The service was in English so that was a bonus. From there we rode the tap-tap (a Haitian bus, so to speak) up to the top of a mountain that over-looked Port-au-Prince. It was breathtaking. On the way down we stopped at a couple of road side gift shops to buy some souveniers and some Haitian spices that we have come to enjoy. That was about it - just a little R and R. It was great.
This trip was amazing and so were the group of people that my family got spend the week with. We started off as a group of people and ended as a group of close friends. We experienced so many things together, some amazing and some heartbreaking, but we were all here to just serve the people of Haiti and grow closer to the Lord. If you have a chance, you need to do something like this. It really is life changing. I know we will be back.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Friday's Focus on God
We began the day by attending church services at the Tent Church. The pastor mentioned in the
sermon that we were each led the service today by God. The church is located in a area surrounded by slums and yet the prayers were not for better living conditions but for world peace. Several nations were mentioned. Some of them were Israel, nations of the middle east and Africa.
We were asked to select a partner and pray for their individual concerns. This was very meaning full.
When greeting the Haitians there were smiles and firm handshakes. They were very welcoming.
A great experience.
sermon that we were each led the service today by God. The church is located in a area surrounded by slums and yet the prayers were not for better living conditions but for world peace. Several nations were mentioned. Some of them were Israel, nations of the middle east and Africa.
We were asked to select a partner and pray for their individual concerns. This was very meaning full.
When greeting the Haitians there were smiles and firm handshakes. They were very welcoming.
A great experience.
The founder of Healing Haiti, Jeff Gacek, came to speak to us this evening. Jeff gave us a powerful talk about letting God opening the doors and closing others. He really gives all the glory for the success of Healing Haiti to God and not to his work. Jeff's role is to simply be present and available.
John Roadfeldt
Healing Our Hearts
We had the honor of meeting 19 beautiful children at Juno's orphanage this morning. The kids met us at the entrance and eagerly walked us into their primitive living quarters while showing us the mattresses that they sleep on. While there is a definite language barrier for most of us that do not speak Creole, there is a universal language of smiles, hugs, and kindness that is easy to share with each other. They brought us outside and worked with a translator to introduce themselves. They offered to sing us some songs in Creole and English. As soon as they started singing songs for us, I couldn't help to feel the tears start welling up in my eyes. I sat there listening to their beautiful singing and couldn't help but think of how unfair the world is to them. It just breaks your heart. We read them a story, played games, gave them some snacks, prayed for them and reminded them of Jesus' love for them.
Then we headed into downtown Port au Prince to visit the public General Hospital. I am a nurse and was thinking that I might find this place pretty interesting, but what I saw was not at all what I was expecting. There were big noisy rooms filled with parents, babies, and rows of metal cribs. My brain could not really absorb how different this atmostphere was compared to where I am used to working. No OSHA safety requirements, computers, identification bracelets, hand sanitizer or running water. I did see parents holding their babies and looking for hope in a place that seemed hopeless. We were able to spend time with some of the parents and their children. Thanks to many donated supplies, we were able to give away bags full of basic hygeine supplies that hopefully brightened a spot in their day. It broke my heart to take it all in.
I have had the honor of being on this trip with my husband and our two boys. Our group has graciously taken our boys under their wing and guided them through this journey. This trip has opened our eyes to poverty in a way that is difficult to explain but very easy to see, hear, and feel. Our kids have taken it all in with a graciousness that I have found to be beautiful yet heart-breaking at times.
Our evening closed out with meeting the founder of Healing Haiti. Jeff lives in Minnesota but was able to meet with our group tonight on what is his 70th trip to Haiti. He shared with us some of his life story and described how his heart was broken into a million pieces when he saw the needs during his first visit to Haiti. He encouraged us to let this trip change our lens of how we see the world. I loved his description of how having a broken heart gives God the opportunity to repair our heart back into one that more resembles His.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Serving the Elders
Today we had the privilege of visiting the elders of Titanyen, located right below Grace Village. The average life expectancy in Haiti is 52, so many of the elderly have outlived their children and have no one to take care of them. Because they are not able to contribute to society, they become outcasts and are left to struggle to care for themselves. Many are not able to walk far or have little strength to pump their own water so their basic needs go unmet.
During our visit today we were able to bring them food and water, sing and pray with them, wash their feet and rub lotion on their bodies.
Our first elder was a man 78 years old, Lindor. He was orphaned but has close neighbors that he often visits with. Lindor was elated to see us, we could tell by the sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face. As we sang to him he clapped along as he listened. When asked what he would like us to pray for, he asked for us to pray for the health of the man who help to care for him. A selfless man.

Merolen was our second elder visit today. She is 92 years old and lives with her grandson and his family. This sweet, quiet woman only asked for a dress to wear to church and for someone to help get her there. We were able to wash Merolen's feet, apply lotion to her delicate skin, sing and pray for her. As we left her home, Dusty turned to her and said Ke Bondye Beni'ou (God bless you). Merolen responded with an unexpected request...she asked to have Dusty's t-shirt. Perhaps trying to fulfill her request for something appropriate to wear to church. While Dusty would have loved to give her shirt off her back, it would have left Dusty shirtless!

Our next visit was to a gentleman named Dieufort. He has family, but they live far away in the mountains and are unable to care for him. Dieufort's two room house has a cement floor and walls, the roof is made of tin and leaks. Dieufort has prostrate problems, but is able to walk and cook for himself. Again we were able to care for this man with prayer, song, washing and massaging with lotion.
We visited a joyful and faithful woman named Vertilia. She is devoted to her four grandchildren who live with her. Her 11 year old grandson has special needs and she cares for them all. Her home has a dirt floor, tarp walls and a tin roof. For her and her 4 grandchildren they sleep on a twin bed, full size platform and shelving that is used for bunk beds. Vertilia was most concerned with being a good hostess. She quickly went into her home and put on a new dress and headscarf. We asked for a chair to seat her on and she motioned for one of us to sit there instead. She was so full of joy, it was evident that her faith brought her much happiness. As part of her foot cleaning and massage, she also took off her scarf to be treated to gentle massage to her head.

Today reminded us of the elders in our own lives and the cherished times we had with our loved ones. As we shared during our devotion time in the evening, some of our words that we shared were Hope, hope for a better care of the elderly. Survivor, Lindor survived the cholera epidemic by the grace of God. Honor, honored that we were able to serve them.
Annette and Dusty
During our visit today we were able to bring them food and water, sing and pray with them, wash their feet and rub lotion on their bodies.
Our first elder was a man 78 years old, Lindor. He was orphaned but has close neighbors that he often visits with. Lindor was elated to see us, we could tell by the sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face. As we sang to him he clapped along as he listened. When asked what he would like us to pray for, he asked for us to pray for the health of the man who help to care for him. A selfless man.
Merolen was our second elder visit today. She is 92 years old and lives with her grandson and his family. This sweet, quiet woman only asked for a dress to wear to church and for someone to help get her there. We were able to wash Merolen's feet, apply lotion to her delicate skin, sing and pray for her. As we left her home, Dusty turned to her and said Ke Bondye Beni'ou (God bless you). Merolen responded with an unexpected request...she asked to have Dusty's t-shirt. Perhaps trying to fulfill her request for something appropriate to wear to church. While Dusty would have loved to give her shirt off her back, it would have left Dusty shirtless!
Our next visit was to a gentleman named Dieufort. He has family, but they live far away in the mountains and are unable to care for him. Dieufort's two room house has a cement floor and walls, the roof is made of tin and leaks. Dieufort has prostrate problems, but is able to walk and cook for himself. Again we were able to care for this man with prayer, song, washing and massaging with lotion.
We visited a joyful and faithful woman named Vertilia. She is devoted to her four grandchildren who live with her. Her 11 year old grandson has special needs and she cares for them all. Her home has a dirt floor, tarp walls and a tin roof. For her and her 4 grandchildren they sleep on a twin bed, full size platform and shelving that is used for bunk beds. Vertilia was most concerned with being a good hostess. She quickly went into her home and put on a new dress and headscarf. We asked for a chair to seat her on and she motioned for one of us to sit there instead. She was so full of joy, it was evident that her faith brought her much happiness. As part of her foot cleaning and massage, she also took off her scarf to be treated to gentle massage to her head.
Today reminded us of the elders in our own lives and the cherished times we had with our loved ones. As we shared during our devotion time in the evening, some of our words that we shared were Hope, hope for a better care of the elderly. Survivor, Lindor survived the cholera epidemic by the grace of God. Honor, honored that we were able to serve them.
Annette and Dusty
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I experienced a variety of conflicting emotions today. Shock turned to heartbreak, which turned to anger, which miraculously turned to joy. I've seen poverty. I've been to the developing world. But I've never seen this kind of poverty. This kind of poverty rocks your world. Haiti doesn't have "poor neighborhoods." Haiti is poor. Devastatingly poor. And today, our team ventured into the poorest neighborhood in our hemisphere...a slum so chaotic and seemingly overwhelming that few aid
workers are willing to enter. But Healing Haiti delivers water to Cite Soleil...and I'm so thankful that I was able to be part of it today.
As our team pulled into Cite Soleil, water truck in tow, we entered an unending maze of tiny corrugated metal shacks built on feet of garbage. It smelled of sewage and charcoal, and went on as far as the eye could see. But in a place that appeared to be full of suffering and sadness, dozens of little children with huge smiles began running after us. As we slowed to a stop, they shouted, "Hey, YOU" over and over again, and we were nearly tackled by them as we climbed off of the truck! As some of our team filled countless buckets with water, others just played with these kids...ring-around-the-rosie, thumb wars...some games are universal. And you know what? They were so thrilled. The joy of a tiny smile and a full bucket of water in the midst of sadness and's unspeakably wonderful. We also took some of the kids to the site of a church being built by Healing Haiti...where we all danced and sang, "God is so good." And He is.
Later in the day, 5 of us went with the Sisters of Charity to their clinic in the city to help with wound care. As someone who has never worked in the medical field, it was definitely outside of my comfort zone. I'll spare you the (gory) details, but after cleaning and dressing the wounds of Haitians of all ages, I was humbled. I was humbled by their strength and by their dignity. I was humbled by the Sisters, who love and serve like Jesus daily...without want of recognition or praise. And I was grateful to be in the presence of both.
As we left the clinic, one of the Sisters gently urged us to view those we serve as Jesus. When we are dressing the wounds, hugging the children, serving the least of these, we are doing it unto Jesus. She encouraged us to be praying for those we're serving while we're with them. What an incredible gift of wisdom from this dear woman!
For me, the big takeaway from today was twofold. First, I'm so thankful that we serve a God who identifies with suffering - who sent His Son to suffer - and who calls us to seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow. And we get to be His hands and feet in this work! And second, when Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive, He was inviting us into joy that transcends sorrow and anger. It IS more blessed to give than to receive.
- Erika Paul
workers are willing to enter. But Healing Haiti delivers water to Cite Soleil...and I'm so thankful that I was able to be part of it today.
Later in the day, 5 of us went with the Sisters of Charity to their clinic in the city to help with wound care. As someone who has never worked in the medical field, it was definitely outside of my comfort zone. I'll spare you the (gory) details, but after cleaning and dressing the wounds of Haitians of all ages, I was humbled. I was humbled by their strength and by their dignity. I was humbled by the Sisters, who love and serve like Jesus daily...without want of recognition or praise. And I was grateful to be in the presence of both.
As we left the clinic, one of the Sisters gently urged us to view those we serve as Jesus. When we are dressing the wounds, hugging the children, serving the least of these, we are doing it unto Jesus. She encouraged us to be praying for those we're serving while we're with them. What an incredible gift of wisdom from this dear woman!
For me, the big takeaway from today was twofold. First, I'm so thankful that we serve a God who identifies with suffering - who sent His Son to suffer - and who calls us to seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow. And we get to be His hands and feet in this work! And second, when Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive, He was inviting us into joy that transcends sorrow and anger. It IS more blessed to give than to receive.
- Erika Paul
Water Truck Day
Hello this is Tanner Freeburg. Im a 16 year old on this trip for the first time with my whole family, and it has been amazing so far.
Today we took water down to Cite Soleil for all of the people that needed it. When we got there the kids all saw our truck and just followed us down the street chanting "Hey you!". Seeing how happy they were just by seeing us was amazing. It got a little chaotic when we were giving out the water but for the most part they have a good system that they use. Some of the people help with the water hose and the rest of us just held the kids and played with them. They would literally climb us and swarm us, it was great. You could really tell that all of the kids just wanted to be loved by someone and I think all of us were happy to be that someone.
After we got back from the water trucks some of us went to go play soccer with the neighborhood boys and some went to the wound clinic, I played soccer. We rode down to the soccer fields all crammed together, singing as loud as we could. It was amazing watching the boys lead us even though most of them were younger than us. My team lost the soccer game but we made a lot of new friends in the process.
This trip had been great and Im looking forward to what else God had planned for us.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Working with Kids
Today was an amazing day. First we went to a school that kids went to. I was really suprised how nice the school actually was. We were the first group to ever go to that school which I thought was pretty cool. The kids weren't in school so we couldn't see them there. We helped sort books in the library.
Then after that we went to a ophanage called Gertrude's. When we first got there and the kid's saw us they had the biggest smiles. Some of the kid's needed more help than others. There was some disabled kids there and others were fine. It amazed me how much they want attention because they don't get it all the time. Even if you were holding a kid and you put him down he would want to jump back onto you. After that some people went swimming. We went to the pool with the other group that came down with us. It was nice to hear how their day went and to meet everybody. Today was a really cool day.
Into a million pieces-my heart was shattered. Half the team started the day at the Home for the Sick and Dying Babies. Four large rooms with several rows of cribs lined up wall to wall. I started by feeding a little baby boy what looked like cream of wheat. He could not get it fast enough. I then picked him up and rubbed his back but when it was time to feed another and put him down he was not happy! I think my tears may have mixed with his as I laid him down and went to the next one and the next one, etc., etc. All of them wanting to be held and none of them wanting to be put down. It was not hard work, but definitely draining. We then went to Gertrude's, an orphanage with 30 special needs kids and 16 able bodied kids. There was no school today because of the Carnival (Mardi Gras) celebration, so all kids were there and anxious to interact with all of us. We fed them their lunch, many of them (and us) wearing it. Played a little more and then got back on the tap tap to head back to the Guest House. Our day ran a little longer than expected so we were not able to visit the Apparent Project - maybe another day.
Christi Connelly
Christi Connelly
Monday, February 16, 2015
Gum and Goats
Day 1: 2/16/2015.
Red and blue dots lined the floor like a twister game to separate the lines into foreigners and native Haitians Most of our team lined along the red dot floor, fresh off the plane from Atlanta. My memory was still fresh of my 2010 arrival on the hot tarmac, staring at the jagged crack traversing the airport's main wall. If the Port-Au-Prince airport was any indication, Haiti's healing was evident.
After a two hour flight delay, our fearless Miami cohorts arrived safely as well. Glwa pou Bondye (Glory to God)! While we settled into the guesthouse, a nice breeze cut the edge off the heat. The neighboring lot looked sketchy at best from my perch on the balcony. Would the mangy goat nuzzling through the rubble be a photo op or a victim of photo shop?
Two young teens in polo shirts and slides arrived on the scene, un-phased by the goats, let alone the chickens maneuvering the glass shards and mangled ribbons of metal. Within 15 minutes, a 3 on 3 barefoot soccer game broke out. Jean Simon wore red. Long and lean his shots were sweeping; dragging dry dust clouds as a hot rod out of the gates. The first team to score "twa" (3) was awarded chiclets. A better celebration was not had for a recent suburban basketball tournament trophy I had witnessed in suburbia last month.
Celebration: Safe arrival for our team
Celebration: A team united to serve
Celebration: Happy hollers amid the squaller
Day 1.... Haiti is Healing.... us.
John Berge
Red and blue dots lined the floor like a twister game to separate the lines into foreigners and native Haitians Most of our team lined along the red dot floor, fresh off the plane from Atlanta. My memory was still fresh of my 2010 arrival on the hot tarmac, staring at the jagged crack traversing the airport's main wall. If the Port-Au-Prince airport was any indication, Haiti's healing was evident.
After a two hour flight delay, our fearless Miami cohorts arrived safely as well. Glwa pou Bondye (Glory to God)! While we settled into the guesthouse, a nice breeze cut the edge off the heat. The neighboring lot looked sketchy at best from my perch on the balcony. Would the mangy goat nuzzling through the rubble be a photo op or a victim of photo shop?
Two young teens in polo shirts and slides arrived on the scene, un-phased by the goats, let alone the chickens maneuvering the glass shards and mangled ribbons of metal. Within 15 minutes, a 3 on 3 barefoot soccer game broke out. Jean Simon wore red. Long and lean his shots were sweeping; dragging dry dust clouds as a hot rod out of the gates. The first team to score "twa" (3) was awarded chiclets. A better celebration was not had for a recent suburban basketball tournament trophy I had witnessed in suburbia last month.
Celebration: Safe arrival for our team
Celebration: A team united to serve
Celebration: Happy hollers amid the squaller
Day 1.... Haiti is Healing.... us.
John Berge
We have successfully arrived in Haiti! We were blessed with uneventful flight, other than the American Airlines members having a 2 hour Miami delay. Coming in to this trip, I had no idea what to expect, it made me scared and stressed out. But, the second I got here I was so kindly treated and welcomed in like one of the local Haitian people. I was standing at the top of the guesthouse balcony and I just looked up and realized how beautiful Haiti truly is. I saw a boy while I was standing on the balcony playing with a beat up soccer ball and two cement blocks representing goal posts. It really touched me that he (soon joined by other people and I) can have such joy in having so little, I would get very sorrowful and bored if all I had was a beat up ball and a empty lot. I played soccer with them today and the boys changed how I thought. I am starting to become more thankful and joyful like them with what I have and not focusing on what I used to want that I don't need. I look forward to the week ahead! For more life changing experiences and learning opportunities! Thank you for your prayers and support! Luke Berge, age 14
Monday, February 9, 2015
Walk Humbly With Your God
Wow, what an incredible packing party we had last night with the majority of our team (Erika, we'll see you in Miami!) with packing, praying, and pizza!
One thing I encouraged the team members to find a Bible verse that would be their theme verse for the trip. It may come this week to them through prayer and preparation or the verse may be revealed while we are serving down in Haiti. We also talked about how much each team member will be taking in and that journaling is encouraged so they can look back in a few months to remember all the activities and people they will be encountering as well.
Here are some pictures from our evening:
One thing I encouraged the team members to find a Bible verse that would be their theme verse for the trip. It may come this week to them through prayer and preparation or the verse may be revealed while we are serving down in Haiti. We also talked about how much each team member will be taking in and that journaling is encouraged so they can look back in a few months to remember all the activities and people they will be encountering as well.
Here are some pictures from our evening:
When I returned home I was struck by the verse Micah 6:8 in my quiet time and this is the verse I've chosen for my theme verse this week, "...To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God".
Thank you all for following our journey! We will be heading down Monday, February 16th - 23rd. We appreciate all of your donations, prayers, love, and support as we allow God to work on our hearts as we set aside our lives up here in the states one week to serve the "least of these" in Haiti.
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