Friday, September 9, 2011

"Look Up!"

I have been preparing for this trip for several months. Yet I know God has been preparing me for this trip for many, many years. I NEVER thought I would go on a mission trip of this nature....EVER! However, God brought Jeff and Alyn, and the ministry of Healing Haiti to the attention of the Children's Ministry of St. Michael's Lutheran Church three years ago....and changed my life, and the lives of many others forever!

As Director of St. Michael Children's Ministry at the time, we had always supported different ministry causes and missions. However, even though mission support had always been an intrical part of our Children's Ministry, I never felt it made a life changing impact on our kids, or even myself for that matter. That all changed the moment we met Jeff and Alyn, and they exposed us to both the beauty and devastation of Haiti.

Jeff and Alyn did an incredible job of building a relationship with us, making the people and country of Haiti tangible and real for our kids. The Holy Spirit moved among our kids and families in a powerful way, placing ministry to Haiti prominently in our hearts.

As we continued to partner with Healing Haiti from the comforts of our homes and lives, it became obvious that the next step was to actually GO to Haiti and serve on a more personal level. It became a nagging force in my life that I simply could not shake.

I made plans, along with two other dear friends, to go on my very first mission trip in January of 2011. Unfortunately, just days before our departure, my mom and dad were involved in a fatal car accident. I have to admit, it was a fear of mine prior to the trip, that Satan would possibly attack my family in order to prevent this trip from happening. As I dealt with the details of the double funeral of my parents, as shocking as this situation was, I somehow was not totally surprised.

Having eight months of time to reflect, I now see how God has used the timing of my parents' death in such an awesome way. I still get to travel to Hait on September 26, but instead of going with two other friends, God has increased our team to nine! So many more families and people have been moved and touched by this upcoming trip than previously imagined, showing just how true it is that God works EVERYTHING for good for those who love Him.

As excited as I am for this trip, I have also found my life more busy and hectic than ever before. I began a new job in July, and after 19 years at my previous church in ministry, it has been a huge learning curve that has been exhausting at times. My schedule, along with the rest of my family's, has ramped up in a way that allows for minimal margin in the day. Of course, what always seems to suffer is my private time with God. I have not had the time to prepare spiritually as I did prior to my first attempt to go.

It would be very easy for me to use the excuse of a busy life and continue to not try to find time to connect with God. Of course, God pursues us, no matter how much time we allocate for Him! I only had a few fleeting moments for prayer and study the other day, and I ended up in the book of John, chapter 4:35. Jesus is talking to His disciples, and He says, "Look up! Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, for they are ripe for the harvest.".

God said to me that day that no matter how busy I get...I need to continue to LOOK UP! Notice the people around me. Don't get so busy that my nose is to the grindstone, and I don't see what God has placed right in front of me. Look up, look out at the harvest. God has placed it before us, whether in Haiti, or our next door neighbor. God told me to Look Up every day, no matter how busy and "important" I think I am at the moment. I should never be too busy to Look Up, be available to minister to others.

As a result of God's words to me, I hold my head a little higher, as I challenge myself to Look Up and notice the moments He gives me each and every day. I am paying attention to how He is preparing me for this incredible journey to Haiti, and I know He isn't done with me yet!

Are you Looking Up from your busy day today, and noticing the harvest around you? If not, I challenge you to Look might be surprised by what you see!

Kara Stoerzinger
Healing Haiti Team Member

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