Today our team arrived in Haiti, two women and eight men - all from different life experiences, but with one goal - to be the Hands and Feet of Christ. We have all given our lives over to God to focus solely on doing His will during this week without the daily chores, deadlines, interruptions, etc. that can interfere with this opportunity in our everyday lives. As we arrived, we immediately knew we weren't "in Kansas (really Minnesota) anymore." Starting with the deplaning process where people from rows 36 and 37 were the first ones off even though people in rows 1 - 35 where still in the aisle waiting to get off - so much for order and letting those in front of you to go first. To the chaos of the customs/baggage claim/tap-tap (Haitian mini-bus) pick up area where locals argue over our business with one another - again not an everyday site at the MSP airport. To the 15 minute drive from the airport to our guesthouse during which we saw tent cities with dirt floors, naked children, women cooking not quite certain what, and wild chickens and goats - you don't see that on 35W. After unpacking and eating a delicious taco dinner, we had our "pit time" where we talked about the day. While it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, it is those words that put the picture into perspective and really drive it home. Listening to our team speak about their thoughts for the day brought laughter, thought, and tears. You can look at a picture and believe it is saying one thing, but until you listen to how that picture impacts another person, you can miss another thousand words that picture is saying. That is exactly what happened to us today - while we all saw the same "picture", that picture said something different to each one of us. That is God at work in each of us. Though we are all part of His creation, He is telling us each something different through His pictures. To use my word today, anxious, I was anxious yesterday about the unknown and how this trip will impact me both emotionally and physically, but after arriving here today, I am anxious about the days ahead because I can't wait to get started being the Hands and Feet of Christ to the Haitian people. I am truly blessed to be able to be on this trip with a great team and am anxious about the words each of us will use to desribe God's pictures we see throughout this week.
Ryan Sandell

Ryan Sandell
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