Monday, July 7, 2014

Home Sweet Home

As I sit here on the patio/roof of the new guest house listening to the goats, I remember sitting in a very similar spot a year ago promising that I would be back. A few weeks ago, it had hit me that I was returning to Haiti, and the word that came to my mind was home. I'm going home. I would never have thought that that is what would come to my mind. Haiti is a third-world country where people suffer daily and children are sick, but still they have the joy of the Lord and constant praise on their lips. That is a far cry from my comfortable home with air-conditioning and a nice cool pool in my backyard. I sleep in a nice bed and am never hungry. Food and clean water are at my fingertips; transportation is not a worry for me. My worries consist of what I will wear or how soon school will start. So, how can Haiti be my home? Home is where family is.

 Last time I was here, the children of Haiti broke my heart with the unconditional love and trust they so freely gave me. Without me knowing it, they had become my family. Maybe they don't remember me, but I remember them. The noise and even smell of Haiti were welcome to me because of what they symbolize.

When I'm in Haiti, I feel so present in the moment or like I am exactly where I'm meant to be. I have never really felt that so strongly and powerfully anywhere else. I think of it as God's way of telling me that I'm not crazy for coming and way off course. Quite the contrary, I think God's saying that this is exactly where he means me to be. This is my home.

Don't get me wrong, Haiti comes with its own set of dangers, risks, and worries. The devil tends to make the adventure of Haiti into a huge feat that seems undefeatable and terrifying. It's true, we can't defeat it, but with God's help and strength which he freely gives us, ANYTHING is possible. I'm counting on it. God is my Savior, and HE comes with immeasurable power and unconditional love, and you can't beat that. I know he comes before me and stands behind me. Therefore, I fully expect to see miracles and experience God's presence in amazing ways.

 You can worry about what tomorrow will bring, and the danger of getting sick. You can worry about anything, and trust me, it comes as a second nature to me. However, I've really felt God saying that the more I let go and put it in HIS faithful hands, the more he will open my eyes to all HE is doing within our team and in the field.

 I've felt him saying that he provided for me and took care of me last time, so why wouldn't I trust him now? He showed me his faithfulness time and time again. If God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, I can only imagine what this trip holds. I have a feeling God is just excited as I am that I find myself home, in Haiti.

By: Cassie McLain

1 comment:

  1. What a moving post! I know God is using and growing all of you this week! As someone once said, "We all need a little more Haiti in us"! May God bless you daily and make His presence known:)
    Barb Brandt
