Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Into a million pieces-my heart was shattered. Half the team started the day at the Home for the Sick and Dying Babies. Four large rooms with several rows of cribs lined up wall to wall.  I started by feeding a little baby boy what looked like cream of wheat. He could not get it fast enough. I then picked him up and rubbed his back but when it was time to feed another and put him down he was not happy! I think my tears may have mixed with his as I laid him down and went to the next one and the next one, etc., etc. All of them wanting to be held and none of them wanting to be put down. It was not hard work,  but definitely draining. We then went to Gertrude's, an orphanage with 30 special needs kids and 16 able bodied kids.  There was no school today because of the Carnival (Mardi Gras) celebration, so all kids were there and anxious to interact with all of us. We fed them their lunch, many of them (and us) wearing it. Played a little more and then got back on the tap tap to head back to the Guest House. Our day ran a little longer than expected so we were not able to visit the Apparent Project - maybe another day.

Christi Connelly

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