Monday, February 9, 2015

Walk Humbly With Your God

Wow, what an incredible packing party we had last night with the majority of our team (Erika, we'll see you in Miami!) with packing, praying, and pizza!

One thing I encouraged the team members to find a Bible verse that would be their theme verse for the trip.  It may come this week to them through prayer and preparation or the verse may be revealed while we are serving down in Haiti.  We also talked about how much each team member will be taking in and that journaling is encouraged so they can look back in a few months to remember all the activities and people they will be encountering as well.

Here are some pictures from our evening:

When I returned home I was struck by the verse Micah 6:8 in my quiet time and this is the verse I've chosen for my theme verse this week, "...To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God".
Thank you all for following our journey!  We will be heading down Monday, February 16th - 23rd.  We appreciate all of your donations, prayers, love, and support as we allow God to work on our hearts as we set aside our lives up here in the states one week to serve the "least of these" in Haiti.

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